Frank Ridderbusch

About things, that are of interest to me (in English and in German).

Comparing analog and digital radio on the cable.

Out of curiosity I decided to compare the audio quality of a local radio station (1Live), which I can receive in analog and in digital via my local cable operator. The privately owned radios on the cable are encrypted and can only be received with the appropriate CA Module and a SmartCard for the DVB-C card. The publicly funded station are however available unencrypted.

Inkscape keyboard and mouse reference as a booklet

I’ve used Inkscape on a couple of occasions. Inkscape is such a powerful program, but I think, it’s it’s not one of the easiest to use. Somehow, each time I’m using Inkscape I’m again struggling with the same basic concepts. I can’t really say, how things would need to be changed, to make it really more simple.

Sun Type 6 Keyboard

I’ve written about my issues with my SUN Type6 keyboard in the company. I’ve finally found a 100% satisfactory solution. In the end, all fiddling with xmodmap and setxkbmap didn’t really help. To really fix my issues I needed to edit the file /usr/share/X11/xkb/keycodes/evdev to shuffle some keycodes around.

A4 Paper CD Case in SVG

If you search on delicious for “paper cd case” apart from other you’ll find these two pages (1, 2), which present Web forms. The forms allow you to enter some text and after submitting offers you to download a PDF file, which, when printed, allows you to fold a CD case from paper. Another alternative is this page.
