Link Collection Update for September 2020
The links here were collected from Reddit, Hackernews, The Hottest Repos on Github newsletter from the Changelog and whatever I came across and they reflect my personal interests; only that. No need to send me suggestions, which in the end only have SEO in mind.
I’ve changed my procedure somewhat. The topical pages simply became to
large for org-mode
. There where enough links in the big files, that
editing became somewhat sluggish. In the future I will simply rely on
to find anything in the whole collection of links. I will
continue to publish the freshly collected links in one of these posts
and not add to the topical pages. And I kept the tags from collecting
these links with Emacs org-mode
and the capture
See my remaining link collection pages here.
Cloud / Docker / Kubernetes / Podman
- “Cloud-like” Infrastructure at Home - Part 1: LoadBalancers on the Metal (2020-08-11) :kubernetes:cloud:home:loadbalancer:
- A Comprehensive Introduction to Traefik v2 with Docker (2020-09-09) :cloud:traefik:reverse:proxy:v2:
- Apache Kafka DevOps (2020-09-25) :kubernetes:kafka:devops:
- Build a Kubernetes cluster with the Raspberry Pi (2020-06-09) :kubernetes:minicube:
- Build and deploy Kubernetes apps with Skaffold (2020-08-06) :kubernetes:skaffold:build:deploy:
- cheatsheet-kubernetes-A4: Kubernetes CheatSheets In A4 :kubernetes:cheatsheet:kubectl:
- ConfigMaps in Kubernetes: how they work and what you should remember (2020-06-23) :kubernetes:configmap:cloud:
- Deconstructing Kubernetes Networking (2020-08-06) :kubernetes:networking:
- Docker-OSX: Mac in Docker! Run near native OSX-KVM in Docker! X11 Forwarding! (2020-06-09) :macos:container:
- docker-reverse-proxies: Sample usage for various reverse proxies in Docker setups :reverse:proxy:docker:caddy:traefik:haproxy:
- Graceful shutdown and zero downtime deployments in Kubernetes (2020-08-23) :kubernetes:shutdown:deployments:
- Helm 3, the Good, the Bad and the Ugly (2020-06-03) :kubernetes:helm:alternatives:
- How to create a Deployment in Kubernetes (2020-07-12) :kubernetes:deployment:
- How to create a Service in Kubernetes (2020-07-12) :kubernetes:service:
- How to create HostPath persistent volume in Kubernetes (2020-07-12) :kubernetes:pv:hostpath:
- How to create Multi-Container Pods in Kubernetes (2020-07-22) :kubernetes:pods:create:
- Jenkins and Kubernetes: The Perfect Pair :jenkins:kubernetes:
- k1s: Lightweight k8s home lab cluster for Raspberry PIs. (2020-09-25) :raspberry:kubernetes:platform:
- Kafka on Kubernetes, the Strimzi way! (Part 1) (2020-07-14) :kubernetes:kafka:
- Kafka on Kubernetes, the Strimzi way! (Part 2) (2020-07-14) :kubernetes:kafka:
- Kafka on Kubernetes, the Strimzi way! (Part 3) (2020-07-14) :kubernetes:kafka:
- Kubectl - configuration (2020-07-20) :kubernetes:kubectl:configuration:
- kubelabs: Kubernetes - Beginners | Intermediate | Advanced (2020-07-14) :kubernetes:tutorial:
- Kubernetes basics in 5 minutes. Simple guide for getting into… (2020-07-22) :kubernetes:basics:intro:
- Kubernetes operators made easy with shell-operator: project status & news (2020-07-17) :kubernetes:operator:shell:
- kubernetes-examples: Minimal self-contained examples of standard Kubernetes features and patterns in YAML (2020-08-28) :kubernetes:examples:
- Learn Cloud Native (2020-06-03) :kubernetes:
- learn-istio: ⛵️ Istio resources 🕸 (2020-08-08) :istio:mesh:cloud:kubernetes:
- Logs aus Docker-Umgebungen sammeln und auswerten (2020-07-12) :docker:logs:collect:
- Monitoring your own infrastructure using Grafana, InfluxDB, and CollectD (2020-07-22) :influxdb:grafana:collectd:monitoring:
- Pod level external HTTP(S) proxy configuration with Istio (2020-07-01) :kubernetes:istio:proxy:
- Prometheus-Basics: A beginner friendly introduction to prometheus 🔥 (2020-08-08) :prometheus:montoring:alerting:
- Ready-to-use commands and tips for kubectl (2020-08-23) :kubernetes:cli:kubectl:
- Rootless Containers in 2020 on Arch Linux (2020-09-21) :docker:container:rootless:podman:
- Run Kubernetes on your Raspberry Pi cluster with k3s (2020-08-12) :kubernetes:k3s:raspberry:
- Service Mesh with Envoy (2020-09-02) :kubernetes:envoy:service:mesh:
- Strimzi Overview guide (0.18.0) (2020-07-14) :kubernetes:strimzi:kafka:
- The Kubernetes Handbook (2020-08-28) :kubernetes:handbook:learning:
- The Node.js Developer’s Guide To Kubernetes - Part I (2020-06-17) :kubernetes:nodejs:tutorial:
- The Node.js Developer’s Guide To Kubernetes - Part II (2020-06-17) :kubernetes:nodejs:mongodb:tutorial:
- UP - Ultimate Provisioner CLI (2020-07-01) :automation:provisioning:
- Validating Kubernetes YAML for best practice and policies (2020-06-18) :kubernetes:configuration:yaml:
- what-happens-when-k8s: 🤔 What happens when I type kubectl run? (2020-08-09) :kubernetes:intro:deploy:
- When Do Kubernetes Operators Make Sense? - Push Build Test Deploy (2020-06-23) :kubernetes:operator:
D.I.Y. / Raspberry / Arduino
- DIY: Niedriges Stativ mit hoher Tragkraft für Makrofotografie bauen (2020-08-02) :diy:photography:stative:
- I’m booting my Raspberry Pi 4 from a USB SSD (2020-06-10) :raspberry:boot:
- Mit FreeCAD aus 3D-Körpern technische Zeichnungen erstellen (2020-07-22) :freecad:3d:
- Multi-room audio with Snapcast and Raspberry Pi :audio:raspy:multiroom:
- UASP makes Raspberry Pi 4 disk IO 50% faster (2020-07-06) :raspberry:usb:ssd:
- URU Card - Arduino FIDO2 Authenticator (2020-06-30) :arduino:fido2:key:diy:
- Weylus: Use your tablet as graphic tablet/touch screen on your computer. (2020-08-06) :rust:stylus:tablet:device:
- WireViz: Easily document cables and wiring harnesses (2020-06-24) :wire:management:documenting:
- binder: Emacs global minor mode facilitating multi-file writing projects (2020-09-21) :emacs:binder:writing:
- Elfeed with Tiny Tiny RSS :emacs:rss:
- elgantt: A Gantt Chart (Calendar) for Org Mode (2020-07-22) :emacs:org:mode:gantt:
- emacs-format-all-the-code :emacs::
- emacs-pdf.el - emacs-pdf - Emacs library to print buffer to PDF file. (2020-06-03) :emacs:pdf:
- emacs-shfmt: Reformat shell script code in Emacs using shfmt :emacs::
- Org-mode Workflow: A Preview · Jethro Kuan (2020-07-30) :emacs:org:mode:workflow:
- org-utf-to-xetex: Org-Mode Print Unicode Characters Directly To PDF (2020-08-03) :emacs:org:mode:utf8:pdf:
- Own Your Second Brain: Set Up org-roam on Your Own Machine :emacs:org:mode:org:roam:
- Protesilaos Stavrou / dotfiles (2020-08-24) :emacs:init:org:mode:dotemacs:
- reformatter.el: Define commands which run reformatters on the current Emacs buffer :emacs:format:
- Running Emacs with systemd (2020-07-17) :emacs:daemon:systemd:
- Setting up spell checking with multiple dictionaries in Emacs (2020-08-23) :emacs:spell:checking:languages:
- Stop Taking Regular Notes; Use a Zettelkasten Instead (2020-06-03) :organization:zettelkasten:org:mode:
- tufte-org-mode: An Org mode environment for producing Tufte-LaTeX books and handouts (2020-07-25) :org:mode:tufte:export:
- xwwp at xwwp-ace-dev (2020-08-28) :emacs:html:browse:xwidget:
Found on Github
- Awesome Bookmarks - Kill time by exploring my personal collection (2020-06-22) :links:collection:
- awesome-compose: Awesome Docker Compose samples (2020-08-08) :container:compose:docker:
- awesome-hpp: A curated list of awesome header-only C++ libraries (2020-08-28) :awesome:github:c:header:libraries:
- awesome-sysadmin: A curated list of amazingly awesome open source sysadmin resources inspired by Awesome PHP. (2020-08-08) :awesome:lists:sysadmin:
- awesome-tunneling: List of ngrok-like tunneling software and services (2020-09-25) :ngrok:alternatives:tunneling:
- Git Flow Made Easy With This Complete Walkthrough (2020-06-09) :git:workflow:
- git-fuzzy: interactive `git` with the help of `fzf` (2020-06-03) :git:helper:fzf:
- gitignore: A collection of useful .gitignore templates (2020-08-09) :git:gitignore:templates:
- honkit: HonKit is building beautiful books using Markdown - Fork of GitBook (2020-07-07) :ebook:markdown:git:
- rest-api-description: An OpenAPI description for GitHub’s REST API (2020-08-06) :github:api:openapi:specs:
- A Simple State Machine Framework in Go (2020-06-23) :golang:state_machine:
- Add header to every request in Go · Developer 2.0 (2020-07-22) :golang:http:header:request:
- Authentication in Golang and React using JWTs (2020-07-25) :golang:jwt:authentication:
- awesome-go-style: A collection of Go style guides (2020-08-06) :golang:style:guide:
- BufferKing: Cache it your way! Record your computers audio output to an audio library. (2020-08-23) :golang:record:audio:
- Building Web Server with Go – Sumit Agrawal :golang:go:web:
- pebble: RocksDB/LevelDB inspired key-value database in Go (2020-07-20) :golang:database:key:value:rocksdb:
- compress: Optimized compression packages (2020-06-23) :golang:compression:
- Creating a Twitter Bot in Go (2020-08-07) :golang:bot:twitter:
- crunch: take bytes out of things easily ✨🍪 (2020-07-06) :golang:data:manipulation:
- DBCore - Applications powered by your database. (2020-06-11) :database:golang:api:
- Different ways to send an email with Golang (2020-08-07) :golang:email:
- How to handle errors in Go? [5 rules] :golang:errors:
- Diving into Go by building a CLI application :golang:cli:app:
- encoding: Go package containing implementations of efficient encoding, decoding, and validation APIs. (2020-06-23) :golang:json:encoding:
- esbuild: An extremely fast JavaScript bundler and minifier (2020-08-08) :golang:javascript:minifier:
- go-interface-examples (2020-07-06) :golang:interfaces:
- Exploring container package in Go (list, ring and heap) (2020-06-21) :golang:containers:lists:heap:ring:
- Few little things in Go. While writing programs in go, you’ll… (2020-07-27) :golang:tips:programming:
- FlatBuffers: FlatBuffers (2020-06-21) :programming:flatbuffers:c:golang:
- gebug: Debug Dockerized Go application better (2020-07-22) :golang:debugging:docker:
- Generics are the Generics of Go (2020-07-24) :golang:generics:
- Getting Started With LDAP in Go - Cybernetist :golang:ldap:
- gitqlite: Query git repositories with SQL. Uses SQLite virtual tables and go-git (2020-07-05) :git:sql:
- go-diagrams: Create beautiful system diagrams with Go (2020-09-25) :golang:diagrams:
- go-funk: A modern Go utility library which provides helpers (map, find, contains, filter, …) (2020-06-23) :golang:utility:library:
- go-ordered-map: Optimal implementation of ordered maps for Golang - ie maps that remember the order in which keys were inserted. (2020-07-17) :golang:maps:ordered:
- go-rsync: Best GTK+ frontend (backup application) for RSYNC utility. (2020-09-25) :golang:rsync:gui:frontend:
- go-safeweb: Secure-by-default HTTP servers in Go. (2020-07-14) :golang:http:web:
- go-scrapper: GO Scraper - an highly opinionated web-interface using go (2020-07-25) :golang:scapper:web:
- go-streams: Go stream processing library (2020-07-14) :golang:streams:
- go-testdeep]] (2020-07-22) :golang:testing:
- Go: Object File & Relocations - A Journey With Go (2020-07-01) :golang:relocation:
- gomd: Serve markdown files locally in your browser (2020-07-22) :golang:markdown:server:
- gopium: Gopium 🌺: Smart Go Structures Optimizer and Manager (2020-08-06) :golang:structure:optimizer:manager:
- goyave: 🍐 Elegant Golang Web Framework (2020-09-20) :golang:web:framework:
- gql: This is a GraphQL server written in Go (2020-06-11) :golang:graphql:database:
- graviton: Graviton Database: ZFS for key-value stores. (2020-09-20) :golang:zfs:key:value:store:
- grule-rule-engine: Rule engine implementation in Golang (2020-08-03) :golang:rule:engine:drools:
- gunk: Modern frontend and syntax for Protocol Buffers (2020-07-14) :golang:grpc:protocolbuffer:
- How I Structure Go Packages (2020-07-06) :golang:project:structure:
- How I used Go to generate images for my Dad’s meetups (2020-07-21) :golang:images:generate:
- How to integrate your Go Service with ELK :golang:elk:
- Immutability Patterns in Go :golang:patterns:
- io: new foundation generation (2020-06-03) :web:golang:framework:
- jqview: simplest possible native GUI for inspecting JSON objects with jq (2020-08-06) :golang:jq:json:qt:
- kin-openapi: OpenAPI 3.0 implementation for Go (parsing, converting, validation, and more) (2020-09-09) :golang:openapi:
- Kubernetes mit Go erweitern (2020-07-12) :golang:kubernetes:
- LDAP Authentication in Golang Using Go-Guardian (2020-07-20) :golang:ldap:web:apps:
- loginsrv: JWT login microservice with plugable backends such as OAuth2, Google, Github, htpasswd, osiam, .. :go:golang:jwt:oauth2:
- moul: The minimalist publishing tool for photographers (2020-08-28) :golang:photos:publish:
- playwright-go: Playwright for Go a browser automation library to control Chromium, Firefox and WebKit with a single API. (2020-09-25) :golang:browser:control:
- Programatically generate gorgeous social media images in Go (2020-07-21) :golang:images:generate:
- project-citadel: An open source project management tool with Kanban boards (2020-08-06) :project:management:golang:
- query2metric: A tool to run queries in defined frequency and expose the count as prometheus metrics. Supports MongoDB and SQL (2020-07-22) :golang:prometheus:metrics:
- rel: Golang SQL Database Layer for Layered Architecture. (2020-06-11) :golang:sql:database:
- robotgo: RobotGo, Go Native cross-platform GUI automation @vcaesar :desktop:automation:golang:
- sdns: Privacy important, fast, recursive dns resolver server with dnssec support :dns:resolver:golang:
- siggo: a TUI for signal messenger, written in Go (2020-06-18) :golang:signal:
- Sorting in Go - Don’t Reinvent This Wheel - Qvault :sorting:golang:
- Structuring Go gRPC microservices | by Nathan Smith (2020-07-27) :golang:grpc:tutorial:
- Surprises and Gotchas When Working With JSON - Alex Edwards (2020-09-25) :golang:json:suprises:gotchas:
- table: Utility tool to print CSV or JSON documents in a table format. (2020-07-17) :golang:csv:json:tables:
- The How and Why of Go, Part 1: Tooling (2020-07-01) :golang:tooling:
- todocheck: A static code analyzer for annotated TODO comments (2020-08-03) :golang:todo:checker:
- trubka: A CLI tool for Kafka (2020-07-25) :golang:kafka:cli:
- Understanding golang’s context package (2020-08-12) :golang:context:
- Upterm - Secure Terminal Sharing - Owen Ou’s blog (2020-07-14) :golang:upterm:terminal:share:
- Waiting on Goroutines (2020-06-11) :golang:goroutines:
- When to use pointers in Go - Dylan Meeus - Medium :golang:pointers:
- Why You Should Be Using errgroup.WithContext() in Your Golang Server Handlers (2020-06-18) :golang:paralism:
- Working with Context in Go (2020-08-23) :golang:context:
- Writing a Kubernetes CLI in Go. As a full-time developer of… (2020-08-12) :kubernetes:cli:golang:
- xene: A distributed workflow runner focusing on performance and simplicity. (2020-07-05) :golang:workflow:
- xvalid: Simple validations that can be exported as JSON for clients to consumer e.g. browsers (2020-07-17) :golang:json:validation:
- yarr: yet another rss reader (2020-09-20) :golang:rss:reader:
- Eloquent JavaScript :javascipt:book:
- handwritten.js: Convert typed text to realistic handwriting! (2020-08-23) :javascript:handwritten:
- html-dom: Common tasks of managing HTML DOM with vanilla JavaScript. Give me 1 ⭐if it’s useful. (2020-08-09) :javascript:html:dom:
- Introducing Rome (2020-08-09) :javascript:babel:rome:transpiler:
- nodejs-cli-apps-best-practices: The largest Node.js CLI Apps best practices list ✨ (2020-08-09) :javascript:nodejs:cli:apps:
- Robust Client-Side JavaScript – A Developer’s Guide (2020-06-25) :javascript:ebook:
- Rust for JavaScript Developers - Functions and Control Flow (2020-07-06) :rust:javascript:tutorial:
- :javascript:frameworks:
- Textures.js (2020-06-29) :javascript:svg:textures:
- ts-migrate: A tool to help migrate JavaScript code quickly and conveniently to TypeScript (2020-08-28) :javascript:typescript:migration:
- Understand VueJS in 5 minutes - Je suis un dev (2020-07-07) :javascript:vue:framework:web:
- visited_places: Simple, static, local visited places map (aka travel map) using D3 and D3 Datamaps (2020-09-25) :javascript:d3:maps:
- vue3-typescript-app-starter: A pretty functional app starter for Vue3 and Typescript. (2020-06-16) :vue:javascript:starter:
- ztext.js | 3D Typography for the Web (2020-08-28) :javascript:typography:3d:
- 5 Types Of ZSH Aliases You Should Know (2020-06-11) :zsh:linux:cli:aliases:
- Minimal distributed configuration management in bash (2020-06-26) :ansible:automation:bash:
- Awesome WM - Binding Modules (2020-09-21) :linux:awesome:examples:
- Building binary deb packages: a practical guide (2020-06-03) :debian:pkg:binary:
- crush: Crush is an attempt to make a command line shell that is also a powerful modern programming language. (2020-08-09) :crush:linux:powershell:
- danyspin97’s site - Colorize your CLI (2020-07-26) :linux:terminal:cli:color:
- Einführung in die Z-Shell: Maximaler Komfort im Terminal (2020-07-12) :zsh:usage:
- Finding Linux Compatible Printers (2020-08-23) :linux:printer:compatible:
- Frictionless zsh And oh-my-zsh Management With Antigen (2020-06-10) :zsh:oh:my:zsh:antigen:
- Linux AwesomeWM Modular Starter Kit (2020-09-21) :linux:awesome:
- MacOS like Fonts on Manjaro/Arch Linux (2020-09-27) :fonts:linux:
- Multi boot and USB booting with ODROID-C4 - ODROID (2020-07-22) :odroid:boot:linux:arm:
- nginx-ui: Nginx UI allows you to access and modify the nginx configurations files without cli. (2020-06-22) :nginx:ui:
- Notes on Using Tmux (2020-07-26) :linux:terminal:tmux:
- Sandboxing in Linux with zero lines of code (2020-07-09) :linux:sandboxing:
- sysbox: Sysbox repository (2020-08-08) :linux:container:isolation:
- Sysdig: What It Is and How to Use It (2020-07-08) :sysdig:linux:
- wezterm - Wez’s Terminal Emulator (2020-06-17) :linux:terminal:gpu:
- whatfiles: Log what files are accessed by any Linux process (2020-06-09) :linux:monitoring:
- backstage: Backstage is an open platform for building developer portals (2020-08-09) :portal:developer:backstage:
- Hacker News RSS (2020-07-14) :hackernews:rss:
- How to Run a Live Coding Stream on Twitch using OBS (2020-07-19) :stream:obs:
- (2020-06-26) :recipies:conversion:
- iptv: Collection of 8000+ publicly available IPTV channels from all over the world (2020-08-06) :iptv:list:
- Returning the “killed” RSS of Reuters from the dead (2020-06-22) :rss:reuters:
- rss-bridge: The RSS feed for websites missing it (2020-07-12) :rss:bridge:
- selfoss – the open source web based rss reader and multi source mashup aggregator (2020-09-21) :rss:reader:php:
- Use Markdown for Confluence (2020-07-27) :markdown:confluence:
Networking / SSH / Security
- Adding a fiber link to my home network (2020-08-09) :fiber:ethernet:network:
- Airshare: Cross-platform content sharing in a local network (2020-06-24) :wifi:network:sharing:
- Creating a Home IPv6 Network (2020-09-27) :networking:ipv6:home:
- How to properly manage ssh keys for server access. (2020-09-27) :ssh:network:key:management:
- Secure Your Digital Life (2020-07-10) :security:privacy:
- SSH Emergency Access (2020-07-07) :ssh:security:key:
- SSH Tips & Tricks :ssh:tips:
Programming in General
- async-graphql: A GraphQL server library implemented in Rust (2020-08-08) :rust:library:graphql:
- Create diagrams with code using Graphviz (2020-06-10) :dot:graphviz:diagrams:
- dijo: scriptable, curses-based, digital habit tracker (2020-08-06) :rust:tracker:habit:
- draft: Generate High Level Cloud Architecture diagrams using YAML syntax. (2020-08-06) :diagrams:cli:yaml:archtecture:
- elements: Elements C++ GUI library (2020-07-06) :c:gui:library:
- entr: rerun your build when files change (2020-07-01) :entry:automation:
- Getting Started with Rust by Building a Tiny Markdown Compiler :rust:markdown:
- Mastering JQ: Part 1 - CodeFaster (2020-07-01) :json:jq:tutorial:
- Online text to diagram tools (2020-06-11) :uml:plantml:graphviz:
- pem-to-keystore: A docker container to easily generate Java keystores from PEM certificates. (2020-09-02) :java:keystore:certificates:
- PostgreSQL beginner guide - connecting, remote access, psql CLI and troubleshooting connection (2020-08-09) :postgresql:database:connection:
- pvs-studio-cmake-examples/modern-cpp-starter (2020-07-06) :c:starter:
- rust_cmd_lib: Common rust command-line macros and utilities, to write shell-script like tasks in a clean, natural and rusty way (2020-08-23) :rust:cli:library:
- seahorse: A minimal CLI framework written in Rust (2020-06-11) :programming:rust:cli:cmd:
- texme: Self-rendering Markdown + LaTeX documents (2020-09-20) :tex:latex:documents:
- The Regular Expression Visualizer, Simulator & Cross-Compiler Tool (2020-08-02) :regex:simulator:
- Tour of Rust - Let’s go on an adventure! (2020-07-12) :rust:tour:
- Wie man OAuth 2.0 richtig verwendet (2020-07-12) :oauth2:usage:
Web / HTML / CSS
- A Short Guide to Minimal Web Development (2020-08-28) :webdesign:html:css:
- Basic.css: Basic.css - Classless CSS Starter File (2020-06-03) :web:css:framework:
- Bootstrap Icons · Official open source SVG icon library for Bootstrap (2020-08-02) :bootstrap:web:icons:svg:
- ChartS.css :css:markdown:charts:
- Color Picker online | HTML Color Codes (2020-06-10) :color:picker:html:
- 700+ Pure CSS, SVG & Figma UI Icons Available in SVG Sprite, styled-components, NPM & API (2020-08-09) :icons:web:svg:figma:sprite:
- CSS: Animate.css v4 (2020-06-11) :css:animation:
- eleventy-high-performance-blog: A high performance blog template for the 11ty static site generator. (2020-09-20) :eleventy:static:web:site:
- Everything You Need to Know About OAuth (2.0) (2020-07-19) :web:oauth:
- Getting the Most Out of Variable Fonts on Google Fonts (2020-08-02) :webdesign:css:fonts:
- Grid.js - Advanced table plugin (2020-06-11) :css:grid:tables:
- heroicons: A set of free MIT-licensed high-quality SVG icons for UI development. (2020-08-09) :icons:web:svg:
- LaTeX.css — Make your website look like a LaTeX document :latex:css:webdesign:
- perfect-edition: A lightweight, responsive web e-book template (2020-08-02) :template:ebook:web:
- tabler-icons: A set of over 550 free MIT-licensed high-quality SVG icons for you to use in your web projects. (2020-08-06) :icons:web:svg:
- tailblocks: 🎉 Ready-to-use Tailwind CSS blocks. (2020-08-08) :webdesign:css:tailwind:html:
- Things I Wish I’d Known About CSS (2020-07-19) :web:css:html:webdesign:
- Web-Layout erstellen mit Open-Source-Framework Bootstrap (2020-09-20) :webdesign:css:bootstrap:
Windows / Powershell
- GPX-Dateien verbinden mit der PowerShell (2020-08-23) :powershell:gpx:gps:
- Windows10Debloater: Script to remove Windows 10 bloatware. (2020-08-15) :windows:debloat:powershell:
- WPD | The real privacy dashboard for Windows. (2020-06-10) :windows:security:dashboard: