Link Collection Update for April 2018
Monday, 2018-04-16
See my link collection pages here. The individual changes are listed below.
Git Resources
- git log – the Good Parts (2018-03-27)
- A curated selection of blog posts on Go (2018-03-29)
- A Gopher’s Reading List (2018-03-03)
- aah - A secure, flexible, rapid Go web framework (2018-03-31)
- Applied Go (2018-04-05)
- Awesome Go Linters (2018-03-29)
- Binary editor written in Go (2018-04-15)
- Data Structures and Algorithms implementation in Go (2018-04-15)
- define - A command-line dictionary (thesaurus) app, with access to multiple sources, written in Go. (2018-03-29)
- Expect for Go (2018-03-31)
- A lightweight emacs written in pure Go. (2018-03-31)
- Genuine Tools (2018-03-29)
- Golang HTTP server for pro (2018-04-15)
- Go on very small hardware (Part 1) (2018-03-31)
- go-vue-example - Example App using Go, Vue.js, Element, Axios (2018-04-15)
- Go-deliver is a payload delivery tool coded in Go. (2018-03-29)
- Golang for dummies - Interfaces (2018-03-31)
- gron - Make JSON greppable! (2018-04-15)
- GORSK - GO(lang) Restful Starter Kit (2018-03-29)
- How to write Go middleware (2018-03-25)
- How To Use Go Interface (2018-03-20)
- Integration of a Go service with systemd: socket activation (2018-03-31)
- jp - Dead simple terminal plots from JSON (or CSV) data. (2018-03-29)
- Learn Go by writing tests: Structs, methods, interfaces & table driven tests (2018-03-31)
- Learning Go–Resources and My Journey (2018-04-15)
- parcel - Golang Resource Bundler (2018-04-17)
- Persistent datastructures with Go (2018-03-20)
- prototool - Your Swiss Army Knife for Protocol Buffers (2018-04-15)
- Simple bookmark manager built with Go (2018-03-03)
- skapt - Package for building command line apps in Go (2018-03-31)
- String handling cheat sheet (2018-03-31)
- A terminal dashboard with stats from Google Analytics, GitHub, Travis CI, and Jenkins. (2018-03-31)
- tablewriter - ASCII table in golang (2018-04-05)
- Tcell is an alternate terminal package, similar in some ways to termbox, but better in others. (2018-04-05)
- Web Scraper in Go, similar to BeautifulSoup (2018-03-31)
- Web Scraping with Go (2018-03-25)
- webgo - A very lightweight & simple web framework for Go (2018-04-15)
- Building a Serverless CMS Powered by Vue.js (2018-03-20)
- oclif: Node.js Open CLI Framework. (2018-03-29)
- Replacing jQuery With Vue.js: No Build Step Necessary (2018-03-03)
- TOAST UI Chart supports an easy way to draw various and essential charts (2018-03-29)
- Video.js - open source HTML5 & Flash video player (2018-03-25)
- vuepress - Minimalistic Vue-powered static site generator (2018-04-15)
- Why would I use a Webpack? (2018-03-25)
- Create a Node app in less than 30 seconds. (2018-03-20)
Cloud / Docker / Kubernetes / Container
- A Perfect Personal Cloud with Docker Swarm (2018-01-08)
- Build Your Own Cloud with Kubernetes and Some Raspberry Pi (2018-04-17)
- Demystifying container runtimes (2017-12-26)
- Deploy to AWS (2017-12-29)
- Docker Bench for Security (2018-01-02)
- Get started with KVM & Kubernetes (2018-02-18)
- Logs collector for docker (2018-02-01)
- The Comprehensive Guide to Serverless Architecture (2017-12-27)
- The Power of Serverless. (2018-02-01)
- Tools for browsing and manipulating docker registries. (2018-02-16)
- validate the structure of your container images (2018-02-16)
- Sijosae’s DIY Gallery (2018-01-08)
- Top 10 Single Board Computers Introduced in 2017 (2017-12-27)
- MAKER PRO - Your Electronics Projects, From Concept to Creation (2018-04-16)
Found on Github
- Awesome list of distributed systems resources (2018-04-15)
- Collection of awesome podcasts (2018-04-15)
- Don’t Delete Facebook—Just Be Smarter on Facebook (2018-03-26)
Windows / dotnet
- NFS-Win - NFS for Windows (2018-03-09)
- awesome-diy-software (2018-03-29)
- My Favorite PostgreSQL Queries and Why They Matter (2018-04-15)
- Notes for new Make users (2018-03-05)
- - A pure Unix shell script implementing ACME client protocol (2018-03-20)
- Command Line Text Processing (2018-03-29)
- How to use Ansible to set up system monitoring with Prometheus (2018-03-20)
- Hello, and welcome to DNS! (2018-03-31)
- Awesome Emacs (2018-04-05)
Graphics / Icons
- Color: From Hexcodes to Eyeballs (2018-04-11)
- Colour management, part 1 (2018-03-20)
- Colour management, part 2 (2018-03-20)
- Colour management, part 3 (2018-03-20)
- colorwise - The wise choice of colors. (2018-01-19)
- Fred’s ImageMagick Scripts (2018-03-25)
- How to Create High‑Quality GIFs (2018-04-17)
- CSS Gradient (2018-03-09)
- CSS: The bad bits (and how to avoid them) (2018-03-20)
- Front-End Developer Handbook 2018 (2018-04-15)
- Mustard UI is a starter CSS framework that actually looks good. (2018-04-15)
- Tabler is free and open-source HTML Dashboard UI Kit built on Bootstrap 4 (2018-04-15)
- TextMock Instant Mockups (2018-04-15)
- Understanding And Using REST APIs (2018-03-29)
- Essential GO (2018-03-31)
Blogging / Writing / Editing
- CSS Cheat Sheet (2018-01-15)