Webdesign / HTML / CSS
Tuesday, 2020-05-19
This list is a completely personal affair and basically only acts as a reminder of things of interest I came across and want to save for later. Therefore, no need for “suggestions” as I’ve received occasionally.
Web Design / CSS / HTML
- 10 Awesome CSS tools for designers
- 10 best new web design tools in October
- 10 Best Online Resources to learn CSS3 Easily
- 10 essential responsive web design tools
- 10 HTML5 Tools For Speed Up Development
- 10 Killer Resources To Rock Your Next Bootstrap Project
- 10 Lightweight Alternatives To Bootstrap & Foundation (2016-09-21)
- 12 Responsive CSS grid systems
- 15 Best Free eBooks for Web Designers
- 15 Handy Tools for Smooth Web Development
- 15+ Best Responsive HTML5 Frameworks
- 16 really useful responsive web design tutorials
- 18 Free Responsive Bootstrap Themes And Resources
- 20 Best CSS Tools for 2014
- 20 Frameworks to Build Awesome Websites
- 20 Useful CSS Tools for Designers and Developers
- 20+ Awesome CSS Tools for Designers and Developers
- 22 Essential CSS Recipes
- 25 Free Apps & Tools For Working With CSS
- 25 Useful Free Tools & Apps For Web Designers from 2015
- 30 Essential Chrome Extensions for Web Developers and Designers
- 35+ Most Popular Responsive HTML5 Framework For Web Design
- 40 Latest Free Bootstrap Templates 2015
- 40+ Great Resources for Google Material Design
- 5 CSS Tools You Shouldn’t Miss As a Web Designer and Developer
- 55+ Twitter Bootstrap Templates – Want a Future Proof Website?
- 8 simple rules for a robust, scalable CSS architecture (2016-11-01)
- A Badass Bootstrap UI Kit based on Material Design (2016-07-18)
- A Beginner’s Guide To Progressive Web Apps (2017-12-11)
- A collection of HTML element and attribute style-normalizations (2016-03-24)
- A collection of useful CSS protips
- A curated list of awesome Grids CSS System (2016-04-20)
- A framework for creating a predictable & harmonious spacing system for faster design-dev handoff (2017-10-02)
- A simple, minimal CSS Framework (2018-11-16)
- Accessible icon buttons with masks and SVG (2019-11-30)
- Accessible SVGs (2016-09-02)
- Advanced vertical margins (2017-04-15)
- All About Favicons (And Touch Icons) (2016-04-25)
- Almost complete guide to flexbox (without flexbox) (2016-04-15)
- Animista - CSS animations on demand (2017-03-17)
- Avalanche - responsive, Sass-based, BEM-syntax CSS grid system
- awesome css frameworks: List of awesome CSS frameworks (2018-11-09)
- Awesome Design (2016-09-10)
- Awesome pixi.js tools (2017-02-20)
- Awesome SCSS (2016-10-15)
- Awesome Vue
- Awesome Web Design (2016-07-24)
- Balloon.css - Simple tooltips made of pure CSS (2016-03-17)
- Best CSS Tools for 2015
- Best Practices for Creating a Successful Mobile-Friendly Site
- Best Practices With CSS Grid Layout (2018-05-27)
- Best web design resources, tools and freebies of November 2015
- Blaze\_CSS (2016-07-15)
- blueprint - A React UI toolkit for the Web (2016-11-15)
- Bootstrap 4 Cheat Sheet (2016-04-25)
- Bootstrap 4: A Visual Guide (2016-07-06)
- Bootstrap Introduction (2020-02-04)
- Bootstrap Studio
- Brutalist Web Design (2018-07-15)
- Buefy: lightweight UI components for Vue.js based on Bulma (2019-04-13)
- Bulma - A modern CSS framework based on Flexbox
- CSS Architecture: First steps (2016-12-03)
- CSS Border-Radius Can Do That? (2019-04-30)
- CSS coding techniques (2016-05-20)
- CSS Custom Properties /lained
- CSS Gradient (2018-03-09)
- CSS Grid - A guide to learning CSS grid (2017-06-12)
- CSS Grid – Table layout is back. Be there and be square. (2017-02-02)
- CSS Grid Cheat Sheet (2017-05-01)
- CSS Grid Layout Interface Builder (2018-07-27)
- CSS Grid, Flexbox And Box Alignment: Our New System For Web Layout (2016-11-10)
- CSS Icon (2016-10-16)
- CSS Media Queries: A Beginner’s Guide
- CSS Protips
- CSS Reference - A free visual guide to CSS (2019-02-04)
- CSS Reference: a free visual guide to the most popular CSS properties (2016-12-08)
- css-blocks - High performance, maintainable stylesheets. (2018-05-06)
- CSS3 Navigation Menu Tutorials for Mobile, Web
- CSS: The bad bits (and how to avoid them) (2018-03-20)
- CSSFX - Beautifully simple click-to-copy CSS effects (2019-05-11)
- Cutestrap - A sassy, opinionated CSS Framework. A tiny alternative to Bootstrap. (2016-05-22)
- Design better data tables (2019-11-06)
- Design for Non-Designers: Part 1 (2017-02-19)
- Design for Non-Designers: Part 2 (2017-02-19)
- devfolio: A simple, responsive, single-page portfolio for developers built with Bulma, Sass and Fon… (2019-08-26)
- Easy to use css spinners collection with vue.js integration (2018-01-04)
- Embracing Sass: Why You Should Stop Using Vanilla CSS
- Emergency Website Kit (2020-03-23)
- Essential Cheat Sheets for Web Designers and Developers
- Everything you need to know about CSS Variables (2018-03-02)
- Favicon Generator for all platforms: iOS, Android, PC/Mac… (2019-10-03)
- flex-cheatsheet (2017-03-17)
- Flexbox and CSS Grid Part. 1 (2017-11-06)
- Flexbox and Grids, your layout’s best friends (2017-11-07)
- Flexbox Patterns (2016-04-21)
- Flexible data tables with CSS Grid (2019-06-06)
- Flexy CSS Framework (2018-05-29)
- Free Bootstrap UI Kits and Templates
- Free resources for learning Full Stack Web Development (2017-03-17)
- Free themes for Bulma - A modern CSS framework based on Flexbox (2019-09-19)
- Froala Design Blocks (2017-11-06)
- From Bootstrap to CSS Grid (2018-01-02)
- Front-end Developer Handbook
- Front-End Developer Handbook 2017 (2017-02-02)
- Front-End Developer Handbook 2018 (2018-04-15)
- front-end-handbook-2019: {Book} 2019 edition of our front-end development handbook (2019-04-13)
- frontend-starter-kit (2016-09-01)
- fuzzy - Go library that provides fuzzy string matching (2018-05-06)
- Gatsby - Transform plain text into dynamic blogs and websites using React.js (2016-07-24)
- Getting Started With CSS Layout (2018-05-28)
- Getting Started with the Bootstrap Framework
- Google Webdesigner (2016-12-18)
- Grab Front End Guide (2017-06-27)
- Great HTML5 Tools for Website Designers
- Grid by Example
- GRID: A simple visual cheatsheet for CSS Grid Layout (2018-08-12)
- hack.css - dead simple css framework (2016-07-18)
- HEAD - A collection of HTML head elements (2016-04-25)
- HEAD - A free guide to elements (2019-10-03)
- helium: Selenium-python, 50% easier. Helium is the best Python library for web automation. (2020-02-27)
- How to create a Wonderful Responsive Website by using HTML5?
- How to lint your Sass/CSS properly with Stylelint
- HOW TO: Pure CSS masonry layouts (2016-04-26)
- How well do you know CSS display? (2016-07-05)
- html & css is hard (2017-02-17)
- HTML & CSS Is Hard (2019-07-26)
- I totally forgot about print style sheets (2016-11-30)
- intercooler.js - AJAX With Attributes: There is no need to be complex (2016-11-07)
- Introducing Bourbon: Lightweight Sass Mixins and More
- Klaro! Simple and user-friendly consent manager. (2018-05-29)
- Leaner Responsive Images With Client Hints
- Learn web development (2017-12-12)
- Linting HTML using CSS (2017-03-17)
- List of 18 web design tools to help you build websites faster
- lit - world’s smallest css framework (2018-01-04)
- Mastering CSS Coding: Getting Started
- Material Dashboard - Open Source Bootstrap 4 Material Design Admin (2018-06-24)
- material-kit: Free and Open Source UI Kit for Bootstrap 4, React, Vue.js, React Native a… (2019-03-03)
- Meet the first visual flexbox builder (2016-04-15)
- mini.css (2017-04-28)
- Mobi - A lightweight, flexible css framework that focus on mobile (2016-09-04)
- Modern CSS Explained For Dinosaurs (2018-02-18)
- Modern framework to print the web correctly. (2017-03-03)
- modern-css-reset: A bare-bones CSS reset for modern web development. (2019-11-24)
- Modulr.css V1.0 (2016-07-05)
- Moon - A minimal, blazing fast user interface library. (2017-09-02)
- Moving from HTML Grid Systems to CSS Grid Systems (2016-04-02)
- MUI is a lightweight CSS framework (2016-11-15)
- Must-Know Techniques for HTML5 Responsive Design
- Mustard UI is a starter CSS framework that actually looks good. (2018-04-15)
- MVP.css - Minimalist stylesheet for HTML elements (2020-03-25)
- My opinions on using or not using Bootstrap
- new.css: A classless CSS framework to write modern websites using only HTML. (2020-05-19)
- News for Designers (309) - CSS Lomography, Material UI Kit, Web Font, Inspiration
- Normalize browsers' default style (2018-02-20)
- OAuth for the Open Web • Aaron Parecki (2018-07-15)
- Page layout with Bootstrap 3
- papercss - The Less Formal CSS Framework (2017-12-11)
- PENCIL PROJECT (2016-11-07)
- Pills - A simple, responsive, and tiny CSS grid for humans. (2016-10-15)
- PostCSS Deep Dive
- Puppeteer or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Automation (2020-03-27)
- PX, EM or REM Media Queries? (2016-04-07)
- Reimagining Single-Page Applications With Progressive Enhancement
- REM vs EM - The Great Debate
- Responsive Bootstrap HTML5, CSS3 Themes & Templates (2016-08-02)
- rscss - Styling CSS without losing your sanity
- sakura: a minimal classless css framework / theme. (2017-05-04)
- Sass Guidelines
- Sass Style Guide
- SCSS boilerplate with Bootstrap baked in
- shoelace - A back to the basics CSS starter kit. For when you don’t need the whole boot. (2017-08-02)
- Sierra - The smallest and lightest SCSS library (2016-04-24)
- Simple scalable CSS based breadcrumbs
- SingleDivProject (2016-07-05)
- Spectre.css is a lightweight, responsive and modern CSS framework (2016-05-24)
- Spellbook of Modern Web Dev (2017-06-13)
- stylelint (2019-02-06)
- Tabler is free and open-source HTML Dashboard UI Kit built on Bootstrap 4 (2018-04-15)
- Tailwind CSS (2017-11-04)
- Tailwind: style your site without writing any CSS! (2019-11-25)
- Tasty CSS-animated hamburgers
- Tech Advent Calendars For Web Designers And Developers In 2016 (2016-12-27)
- Ten CSS One-Liners to Replace Native Apps
- Tent CSS (2017-03-03)
- Teutonic CSS (2018-08-12)
- text-spinners (2016-10-04)
- TextMock Instant Mockups (2018-04-15)
- The 10 best new web design tools in July
- The 21 Most Used Bootstrap Alternatives
- The All-New Guide to CSS Support in Email (2017-09-15)
- The CSS Cascade (2020-01-24)
- The CSS Handbook: a handy guide to CSS for developers (2019-08-17)
- The Front-End Checklist (2017-12-29)
- The New Favicon
- The Polish Checklist for Web Developers (2016-03-30)
- The Ultimate Guide to Learning CSS (2018-07-15)
- The very latest clearfix reloaded
- The Zen of Programming (2018-09-03)
- Top 10 modern CSS frameworks of 2020 (JS Free) (2020-04-12)
- Top 10 Tools to Step-up Your Responsive Web Design
- Top 10 Twitter Bootstrap Theme For Front-end Developer
- Top Class Responsive CSS Frameworks That Are Hard to Ignore
- Top Ten Static Website Generators (2016-09-21)
- UI library from eBay that makes building web apps fun (2017-08-21)
- Understanding And Using REST APIs (2018-03-29)
- Using CSS flexible boxes (2016-04-30)
- Using CSS Grid the right way (2019-02-18)
- Variables: The Backbone Of CSS Architecture
- Vue 2.0 is here! (2016-09-30)
- Vue.js + Brunch: The Webpack Alternative You’ve Been Hungry For (2017-08-21)
- Web Design 101
- web design in 4 minutes (2016-08-02)
- Web Fundamentals (2016-12-18)
- Web Starter Kit - a workflow for multi-device websites
- Webpack Bootstrap 4 and Font Awesome demo (2016-10-09)
- Weekly News for Designers (N.314)
- What is sass, how to use it and how it improves your workflow. (2019-11-23)
- Which Podcasts Should Web Designers And Developers Be Listening To? (2018-04-23)
- Why CSS Grid is better than Bootstrap for creating layouts (2017-12-04)
- Why You Misuse Bootstrap and Why You Should Stop Doing This
- WING - Minimal CSS Framework (2016-09-06)
- Workmanship Manual
- Write an app in AngularJS
- You Don’t Need JavaScript (2016-07-11)
- You might not need a CSS framework (2016-04-30)